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Possibly malware

Hi, I have installed the mod for Stumble guys from YouTube.

The mod works well, has positive feedback, but there is one problem: 10 antiviruses consider the mod as malware according to Virustotal.

The mod only asks for access to notifications( just like the original version), it also has a similar size to the original version.

Should I be afraid of a virus?

(The channel is OP Mods SG, if anyone is curious).

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Sorry to hear about that. Yes many are doing that now. Adware.

What channel? Do they have a website?

I can do a reviews thread to warn people.

Thanks for the quick response.

As for the channel, I am referring to the YouTube channel.

He doesn't seem to have a website, apart from YouTube he has telegram.

Unfortunately his channel is growing all the time and people don't verify what they download

But just to elaborate, I would add that most antiviruses consider this mod to be a trojan

Yes, ther are tons of scams and malware out there sadly.

Those YouTube channels never survive for long, but in that time they spread a lot of stuff.

Report and move on.

Never use use an untrusted source basically. Happened to me too.