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Is legit or a scam?
Legitimate3 Votes · 50.00%
Working2 Votes · 33.33%
Fake0 Votes · 0.00%
Scam0 Votes · 0.00%
Malware0 Votes · 0.00%
Stolen Downloads1 Vote · 16.67%
Other Issues0 Votes · 0.00%
3 Participants

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PlatinMods is a website and community that offers modded versions of mobile games and apps, primarily for Android users. The site provides a range of mods that include additional features, unlocked content, or cheats that are not available in the original versions of the games. These mods are created by the community or the PlatinMods team and are shared on their platform.

As with any platform offering modified games and apps, users should be aware that using such mods may violate the terms of service of the games or apps in question. This could lead to consequences such as account bans or other disciplinary actions. Additionally, downloading mods from unofficial sources can pose security risks, including the potential for malware or unauthorized access to personal information. Always exercise caution when using third-party modding services.

Please answer the poll to help us collect data on this game hack source.

Is this site providing working and legitimate cheats or have you had any issues?

Astralion has reacted to this post.

Used PlatinMods back in the day. They have a lot of original mods.

They also have a section where anyone can post wil tons of stolen apps as far as I remember. It is decent. The premium price was fair back them, but I am not 100% how the price compares today.

Legitimate website. No complaints.

Not my go-to, but they used to upload working stuff 2 years ago for sure.

This is a very good site, their modders are great- they make their own mods and always inside is what is in the description.

The administration is always willing to help.

If I had to complain about something, there are a lot of anime game mods which I don't like and they usually pour over requests for mods in the open request section.

But overall I highly recommend

Axey is the  best modder:-)