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dFast.APP Reviews - Legit or a Scam?

Is dFast.APP legit or a scam?
Legitimate0 Votes · 0.00%
Working1 Vote · 11.11%
Fake2 Votes · 22.22%
Scam3 Votes · 33.33%
Malware0 Votes · 0.00%
Stolen Downloads3 Votes · 33.33%
Other Issues0 Votes · 0.00%
3 Participants

Leave all your reviews and comments concerning dFast.APP here.


This is an APK downloading site that has been popular in Google lately. "" appears to be a website that offers the service of downloading APK files for Android applications. APK, which stands for Android Package, is the file format used by the Android operating system for the distribution and installation of mobile apps.

Please answer the poll to help us collect data on this game hack source.

Is this site providing working and legitimate cheats or have you had any issues?

This is exactly the same as Happymod - a large selection of stolen mods, many not working and sometimes viruses.

The only difference is that sometimes( but only sometimes) they make their own mods, which makes it a little better than Happymod

root has reacted to this post.

Yes, basically.

Everyone seems to do the stolen mod scam now. And Google loves it for some reason.

The problem is that how do you prevent it? Do you sue them for stealing something that you basically stole from the developers? Not gonna work. Sad.

Yes, in general there are a lot more sites stealing mods than creating their own.

Modded-1, Platinmods, sbenny, modyolo/ liteapks, an1 + single modders on telegram or youtube. That's probably all when it comes to regularly creating your own mods, there are two or three times as many stealing websites.
